2023 – Meeting No.5 Minutes


Minutes of Meeting, Thursday 8th March 2023 – 7.30pm Strathgryffe


Alan Marshall (AM) Alan Pearson (AP) Stewart Hamilton (SH)
Gregory Dudziak (GD) Allan Mowat (AMM) Martin Woods (MW)


Matt Bedwell (MB) Billy Stevely (BS)


• No team had been entered in the English counties league due to the short notice and this would be revisited next season
• There had been many positive responses to AP’s message on the website reminding players to show respect to opponents, particularly when juniors were involved
Action – SH to send out Scottish Squash Code of Conduct via Sporty Hq at beginning of the season
• SSRC6’s complaint about GU in December had been dismissed
Action – SH to confirm this decision had been communicated to SSRC


• Only a few clubs had still to pay affiliation fees for 2022-3, which AP is following up. Any outstanding clubs will be told that they cannot enter leagues for next season if do not pay up
• Fees from parents of junior coaching groups still coming in and Scotstoun have sent bill for court hire. AP noted that Scotstoun are going to renew our arrangement with them which might lead to increased fees


• Stirling Uni had withdrawn all teams from leagues; SH would decide at end of season on how to rectify results for other teams in the divisions affected
• There had been a complaint about SSRC3 playing only 4 on 1st February without their other teams being affected. As this had been at short notice due to a family bereavement and does not seem to have altered positions in leagues, it was agreed that no action would be taken
• Glasgow University had made a complaint of racial undertones in comments made by Townend players against GU players. This matter is now been investigated by Maggie Still on behalf of Scottish Squash, who will make a recommendation as to whether further action needs to be taken.
• On the same occasion, GU 1 had complained about aggressive behaviour on court by a Townend player on court, followed by the Townend referee awarding a conduct game/match against the GU player. As recommended, Peter Shivas the referee had told us and Scottish Squash that he had awarded a conduct game against GU player because of his bad behaviour. It was agreed to await the Scottish Squash report on racism complaint before making decision on the GU complaints
Actions – SH to communicate to GU and Townend that matter being investigated by Scottish Squash
– GD will explore further by taking witness statements on behalf of league if necessary


• The Scottish Racquetball championships are to be played at Newlands


• MW has started a new West junior squad, bringing total number up to 25
• Robyn McAlpine is on verge of selection for senior Scotland team at age of 16
• MW has got some parents to organise a Bronze event and potentially set up a parents’ sub-committee who might be able to do more tournaments including Squakes
• Not enough clubs had shown interest to run a junior league


• Rosie Wilson from Western had indicated an interest in joining committee and it was agreed to co-opt her, as well as invite her to next meeting
Action – AMM to contact Rosie and ask if she would join committee
• The AGM will be held on Friday 2nd June. Newlands players had suggested organising a social event for afterwards and it was agreed to ask them to provide a plan for us to decide whether this would be feasible
Action – AP to contact Newlands players to get their plan for us to discuss


• Greenock Cricket Club have joined Scottish Squash as a club member
• Arran have joined Scottish Squash as affiliate members
• Scottish Squash have sent out a request for funds to help send an U19 girl team to the World junior team championships in Melbourne in July 2023, for which the total costs are estimated to be £30k; a GoFunding site had also been set up, which was currently running at <£3k; at least two West juniors would be involved and Scott McAlpine has asked if Newlands could be used as a venue for a tournament to generate funds; AP proposed providing £1000 as a donation from the West League and this was agreed
Action – AP to establish best way of sending the funds and to draft message to be sent to the relevant players


• BS had proposed running a racquetball tournament again over the summer
Action – SH to contact BS to identify organiser(s)

Next meeting: Monday 17th April in the form of a curry