Minutes of Meeting, Thursday 19th January 2023 – 7.30pm Giffnock
Alan Marshall (AM) Alan Pearson (AP) Billy Stevely (BS) Matt Bedwell (MB)
Gregory Dudziak (GD) Allan Mowat (AMM) Martin Woods (MW)
Stewart Hamilton (SH)
- There had still been no reply about entering a West team in inter-counties league
Action – MW to contact again
- MW and MB had tried to get access to existing Twitter account but were unable to; seemed best idea would be to start a new one; MW would also arrange to meet GD to find about use of social media at Allander which had been successful in recruiting new members
Action – MW to meet GD to discuss options
- Curry night meeting had not taken place and it was suggested this could take place at the committee meeting before the AGM
- Minutes accepted (AP, MW)
- AP was in process of sending out affiliation fees for 2022-3 with a deadline of end of February
- Fees from parents of junior coaching groups to come in – ~£800
- SH could not attend but had forwarded correspondence
- WRC had requested to allow Andrew Glen to move clubs for second half due to injury. This was permitted as it is within the league rules.
- WRC had also asked to allow Finlay Scott to play, but he was a national standard junior who had not played for WRC in the league before Christmas despite being a member. Committee agreed that this should not be allowed, as it was clearly against the rules and could materially influence outcome of season.
Action – AMM to ask SH to send this response to WRC
- Concern had been raised by father of 17 year old girl from Giffnock who had been made to feel uncomfortable due to inappropriate comments/attitude by marker during league match; It was agreed that we had duty of care to support juniors playing for teams and that we should send a reminder to be sent to all clubs that all players should be treated with respect, especially juniors
Action – AP to draft message for SH to send out on SporrtyHq contacts on behalf of League, with copy to father in advance
- SSRC6 had complained that Glasgow University 4th team had played in Division 6 on 7th December, while both their 2nd and 3rd teams had conceded their matches on that night; on review, this match had actually been played on 30th November, when all other University teams had played and won
Action – MW to draft reply for SH to send refusing appeal
- Several West players have entered Scottish Senior National Championships scheduled for 17-19 February at Newlands
- The West Closed has been cancelled due to lack of entries and it was agreed that this tournament is important, but needs a relaunch to encourage enthusiasm, with possibility of eg awarding cash prizes. For discussion next season
- No sponsorship had been obtained for a West Open tournament and this idea had been abandoned for this season
- Several West juniors would be participating in the forthcoming Scottish Senior National Championships at Newlands in February.
- With a view of finding more coaches, 6-7 West players are signed up for Level 1 coaching programme including some juniors
- No Squake tournament had been organised, as the calendar is already full and MW/MB had commitments most weekends for rest of season
- MW had contacted clubs about junior leagues, but only 4 clubs had replied. The general feeling was that it could be worth going ahead in some format
Action – MW to organise junior leagues with help from Beth Moglia
- Alba Storm were to play Birmingham at Newlands on 24th November; West junior coaching had been cancelled to allow them to attend and MW would organise joint coaching sessions with the team professionals if they agree. The match was already almost a sell-out; next match would be in April
- The names of Ladies teams had been changed to “Women’s”
AMM to provide minutes for MW to put on website
- A representative of Scottish Squash had hoped to attend this meeting, but had been unable to come
- AM provided information on the numbers of affiliated members for West Clubs
- AM reminded committee that his term of office on Scottish Squash board ended in September 2023 and we would need to appoint a new representative. He described commitments, with most meetings now on Zoom rather than in person needed; 1-2 hours/week probably needed for preparation for meetings and initiatives; AP indicated possible interest in taking on this role.
Action – AP to discuss requirements of post with AM
- “Hit Squash” programmes had taken place at Strathgryffe and Western and had been very successful, apart from some glitches with SportyHq admin. It is not clear whether Scottish Squash would continue the initiative and it could be up to clubs to repeat if interested.
- Greg Lobban and Rory Stewart had taken part in exhibition matches at Inverness and one in Aberdeen was upcoming. However no West clubs had taken up the idea of exhibition matches by Greg Lobban and Rory Stewart due to costs