West of Scotland Squash & Racketball
Giffnock Tennis & Squash Club
Friday 29th May 2015 @ 7pm
Committee Present:
Martin Woods (President) (Strathgryffe)
Andrew Duff (Vice President) (SSRC)
Alan Pearson (Treasurer) (Newlands)
John Crawford (Secretary) (Townend)
Stewart Hamilton (League Secretary) (Giffnock)
Billy Stevely (Junior League Secretary) (ex Giffnock)
George Allan (Tournament Convenor) (SSRL)
Kevin Lawlor (SSRL Vice President & Tournament Director) (Western)
Alan Marshall (SSRL Board Member from West Squash) (Strathgryffe)
Tarryn Robertson (Committee Member) (Parklands)
Others Present:
Shonagh MacVicar (SSRL CEO)
David Fallon (SSRL West Development Officer)
Michael Grant (Strathgryffe)
Geoff Cordwell (Western)
Mathias Tesson (Western)
David Bow (Western)
Stuart Mitchell (Townend)
Allan Law (Townend)
Robin Smith (Townend)
Rolf Hansen + 2 (Cameron House)
Jason Broadberry (DLWE)
A few others arrived late, but didn’t sign the register.
Stuart George (Junior Convenor) (Giffnock)
Raymond Brown (Web Site Co-Ordinator) (Scotstoun)
The meeting was opened by Martin Woods (President), who welcomed all in attendance
1) Approval of Minutes from previous AGM
The previous year’s minutes were not available, but will be proposed and seconded, then posted on the web site
2) Approval of the Annual Report and Statement of Accounts
The accounts were presented by Alan Pearson. He reported that all fees and levies had been collected from all the clubs. Income was down mainly due to Tournament income, but spending was also down. There was again no sponsorship. No end of season dinner, so a saving there, with the presentation of prizes at this year’s AGM. More money was spent on junior coaching.
3) Appointment of Auditor & Election of Office Bearers & Committee Members
No auditor appointed, due to low turnover,
Martin Woods (President) stepped down after completing his 2 years. Andy Duff (Vice President) will take over as President. Proposed by BS, Seconded by JC
Martin will stay on the committee as Past President and take over as Junior Convenor from Stuart George.
All committee members were happy to remain on the committee, with exception of:
Amanda Nicoll – resigned due to work commitments
Ryan Prentice – resigned due to work commitments
Raymond Brown – resigned due to work & college commitments
Tarryn Robertson – resigned due to work commitments
No other nominations for Committee Members
4) No Honoraria
5) Team fees to be the same as last season. Proposed by AP and seconded by AM
£40 per team + £10 software levy, which is waived if the fees are paid before the end of the year
6) No Constitutional Matters intimated to the Association Secretary
7) Convenors Reports:
League Secretary – Stewart Hamilton
SH reported that the Leagues had gone well, with only a few team penalised for late results or a breach of league rules
There was a proposal to have league results entered into Resultzone by Saturday midnight (3 days after match). Proposed by KL. Seconded by GA. The proposal was carried and will be implemented for season 2015/16
Tournaments – George Allan
GA reported that all tournaments went well, but entries were down.
The West Senior Closed was cancelled due to no suitable dates, before the end of season. It is hoped to organise the event in Oct/Nov 2015 to keep last season’s tournament in the same year
Juniors – Martin Woods
MW reported the introduction of a Junior League, with thanks to Billy Stevely for organizing the league, and to Jason Broadberry, for sponsoring the prizes.
A reasonably Junior Inter-regional event for the West, considering the number of call offs.
The Regional Squad sessions going well with support from SSRL & Assistant National Coach – Stuart Crawford. Thanks to West coaches Martin Woods, George Allan, Stuart George, and some ex juniors for their support and help in developing a good standard of juniors coming through
All Junior Tournaments went well, although entries were down
Referees – John Crawford
JC – Reported 3 West refs had been selected for the Commonwealth Games, by the World Squash Federation out of 6 from Scotland. Andy Phillips, Peter O’Hara senior, and John Crawford.
A successful ref’s course was held at Scotstoun in Nov, when 21 attended. Run by Ron Pearman and assisted by John Crawford
The West provided a few refs for all West tournaments, but more required, as we had to receive assistance from the East and Grampian.
A discussion then took place on how to encourage new refs to progress along the refereeing path. No firm plan was formed and left the West committee to pursue further.
8) Presentation of Awards – Andy Duff (President)
Div 1 Champions – Giffnock
Div 2 Champions – Western 2
Div 3 Champions – Cameron House
Div 4 Champions – Townend 3
Div 5 Champions – Western 5
Div 6 Champions – Scotstoun
Ladies Division 1 Champions – S.S.R.C
Ladies Division 2 Champions – Whitecraigs RFC
Player of the Year – Stuart George (Giffnock)
Junior of the Year – Orla Young (Newlands)
Club of the Year – Western
West Junior Closed
Boy’s u11’s – Findlay McDougall
Girl’s u11’s – Orla McDougall
Boy’s U13’s – Huzaifah Ali
Girl’s u13’s – Orla Young
Boy’s u15’s – Daniel O’Sullivan
Boy’s u17’s – Cameron Gauhl
Boy’s u19’s – Luke Steven
Sponsored and presented by Jason Broadberry of Broadbery Sports
Junior League Champions – Giffnock
Junior League boy of the year – Kevin Lynch Small (Scotstoun)
Junior League girl of the year – Elena Murio (DLWE)
9) AOB
A proposal to play teams in ladder order– Geoff Cordwell (Western) presented
(Not splitting teams into pools of players)
See attached scanned copy of presentation.
A discussion took place, but was not formally proposed or voted on.
It was left to the committee to make a decision before the start of next season.