1. Name
The Association shall be called West Squash and shall procure affiliation to Scottish Squash Ltd (SSL).
2. Objects
The objects of the Association are to encourage the game of squash in the West of Scotland and to provide for its administration.
3. Jurisdiction
The Association shall act as a central authority and shall have final jurisdiction over squash matters in the West of Scotland, including rules, disputes, open and closed tournaments, junior development and regional team selection.
For development purposes, for Regional Development Officers to have clearly defined areas of work and to determine what comprises the “West” area, West of Scotland Squash’s boundaries are the Local Authority areas under noted. This impacts in no way on which clubs can play in West Leagues or join WoSS which remains entirely in WoSS hands. The Local Authority areas
Argyll and Bute
Dumfries and Galloway
East Ayrshire
East Dunbartonshire
East Renfrewshire
North Ayrshire
North Lanarkshire
South Ayrshire
South Lanarkshire
West Dunbartonshire
4. Committee
The Association shall procure the appointment of a committee which consists of the following representatives elected from member clubs in the West of Scotland:
Association Secretary
League Secretary
League Secretary (Disputes)
Tournament Convenor
Junior Convenor
Two Ordinary Members
Past President (if Applicable)
The above committee shall be proposed and elected at the Annual General Meeting. The first four of the above will be known collectively as the Association’s Office Bearers. The League Secretary and the League Secretary (Disputes) may be the same person.
The committee may co-opt additional members as reasonably required. All Office Bearers shall retain office for 2 years following their appointment, with the exception of President, who shall serve for two years and thereafter may serve one further year as an ex officio member of the committee, with the committee’s consent. All Office Bearers are eligible for re-election after their term of office.
5.Committee Meetings
The Committee shall meet at least six times per year. There shall be an elapse of no more than three calendar months between any meetings of the committee.
Five committee members shall form a Committee quorum. If, in the opinion of the President, business has arisen of such urgent nature as to make it desirable to hold an immediate Committee Meeting, no less than five days notice shall be given of the Meeting.
6. Committee Powers
The Committee has the power to make and amend local rules, by-laws and regulations consistent with these Articles, for the conduct of Association affairs.
7. Expenses
The Committee shall pay, out of the funds of the Association, such reasonable expenses to Office Bearers as they think proper. Any additional Honoraria shall be agreed at the AGM.
8. Chair
The President, whom failing the Vice President, shall chair all meetings of the Committee and the Association. Should neither be present at a meeting those present will appoint a Chairman from their midst. In the event of a split vote on any motion, the Chairman shall have the casting vote.
9. Annual General Meeting
An Annual General Meeting of all Association’s members shall be held at least once every calendar year between 1st April and 30th June. Not less than twenty–one days written notice of an AGM shall be given.
The following business shall be transacted at an AGM:
1. Approval of the minutes from the previous meeting
2. Approval of the Annual report and Statement of Accounts
3. Appointment of Auditor and election of Office Bearers and Committee Members.
4. Approval of Honoraria
5. Approval of the annual Team Fee
6. Constitutional Matters intimated to the Association Secretary
7. Conveners’ reports
8. Any other business of which due notice has been received by the Association Secretary
10. AGM Agenda –
The AGM Agenda shall be circulated to each member club not less than twenty-one days prior to the holding of the AGM.
Any motion to be proposed by any member club shall be sent to the Association Secretary at least seven days prior to the holding of the AGM, any such motion shall be deemed to fall into the category of Any Other Business.
11. AGM Time & Place –
The Annual General Meeting shall be held at such time and place as the Committee shall reasonably appoint.
12. Quorum & Voting
25% of Association clubs shall form a quorum at the AGM. Clubs represented at the AGM shall have one vote per Senior West of Scotland Squash League Team. Only clubs which are not in arrears in respect of any Team Fees shall be eligible to vote at an AGM or EGM.
A motion shall be passed by a simple majority of votes in its favour. Votes may be given either as a show of hands or a written ballot. A written ballot may be demanded by three clubs present in person, and shall be taken in such a manner as the Chairman may reasonably direct.
13. Extraordinary General Meetings
An Extraordinary General Meeting can be called by a written application to the Association Secretary, supported in writing by at least six Association clubs. 25% of Association clubs shall form the quorum at an EGM. Notice and voting arrangements for an EGM shall be identical to those for an AGM.
14. Team Fees
All Association clubs shall pay an annual league fee per team, to be known as the Team Fee. The Team Fee shall be proposed by the Association Committee and voted upon at the AGM. In the event that the proposed Team Fee is voted against by the majority of votes at the AGM, a representative of an Association club present at the AGM may propose an alternative fee, which may then be voted upon as though it were a proposal of the Association Committee. Annual Team Fees shall fall due on the 1st September each year, such payment being in respect of the year to follow, and are payable to the Association Treasurer.
15. Representation
Only members of clubs which are not in arrears in respect of any Team Fees shall be eligible to play in representative matches organised by the Association. This condition may be waived at the discretion of the President of the Association, upon request by a member of an Association club.
16. League Fixture List
At the start of each squash season, every Association club shall be sent West of Scotland League rules, fixture lists and team contact details.
17. Notices
Any notice required to be given above, shall be deemed to be validly given if sent in a prepaid and stamped envelope, or by email to the address of the proposed recipient last intimated to the sender by that recipient.
17. Membership Refusal
Membership is open to all and no application for membership will be refused on other than reasonable grounds. There will be no discrimination on grounds of race, occupation, sex or religious, political or other opinion.
18. Winding Up or Dissolution
If, upon the winding up or dissolution of the ‘West of Scotland Squash’ there remains, after satisfaction of W.O.S.S.’s debts and liabilities, any property whatsoever the same shall be given to all member Clubs to be determined at an AGM or EGM and so determined by the members at that meeting at or before dissolution, and in so far as effect cannot be given to such provision then to some charitable objects.
AGM 2007