Division One – No change to League format!

Junior League
Division One League Split Proposal
After the consultation meeting on Wednesday 20th August and further discussion at committee level, it has been decided not to split the league at the halfway mark.
Reasons for this were:
- There was a feeling that it would have the effect of making the strong teams stronger and the weaker teams weaker – widening the gulf between the top and the bottom in Division One rather than closing it.
- There was also concern about the ability to fit the second half fixtures in with regard to the number of courts that clubs have vs home fixtures per week. Effectively the proposal creates a new Division 1 A in the second half.
- Another concern was for those clubs paying players and the effect of the stronger clubs getting better players due to the chances of being involved in League 1a rather than League 1b in the second half.
If anyone has any queries then please don’t hesitate to contact a member of the commitee. Fixtures for the coming season can be found on Resultszone now.