Scottish Squash Junior Inter-Regional Championships 2012
Some information for those selected for the West regional squads is as follows:-
- Transport for the players has been arranged. The bus will depart Newlands at 6pm on Fri 27th Aug
- Accommodation (including dinner bed and breakfast) at the Hilton Treetops hotel Aberdeen Fri & Sat
- Return journey from Aberdeen departing ASRC 6pm Sun 29th Aug, destination Newlands
- Player contribution for the above is £40 each
- Costs have been subsidised by the West, and also by Sterling Trucks who have provided the accommodation
- All players are expected to travel via the bus (no reduction in contribution cost this not being the case)
- Parental consent form, player code of conduct, and payment of player contribution are requirements of participating.
- Consent form and code of conduct will be forwarded to players/parents by Martin Woods
Any concerns, please contact me via
Wishing all of the players good luck in the tournament!
Best Regards
Kieran O’Neill