Junior League for West Squash Clubs!

Junior League
The first Junior League for over 10 years is about to start for West Squash! The aim of the league is to give our junior players fun games against other players of a similar age and/or standard, and to give players more actual matches rather than just coaching. If you have a team and would like to be included in the league please contact Billy Stevely on billystevely@hotmail.com.
Junior League Information
The first matches are to be played on Sunday 2nd November starting at 10.00 AM, unless both team captains have agreed a different start time or day.
The contact list and player list for the junior league will be updated as and when details are confirmed from team captains.
Each team captain should enter the match scores and result, within two days of the match being played, into the Resultszone system using your login. It’s pretty easy to use. If you don’t have a login please contact Martin Woods on martin.woods@squashdynamics.com.
Home team captains should contact their opposite number to confirm the match is going ahead as planned and also match up junior player standards for competitive matches.
Hospitality after the match will allow players to get to know each other (sandwiches/cake/juice).
If there is extra time after the match, or if the club has two courts available, a good idea would be to allow player 1 to play player 2 and player 3 to play player 4. This is just an idea to give the juniors another matche rather than just one. However, this second match will not be recorded as a score, it’s purely a friendly.
Let me know if there are any errors on the attachments, or any suggestions on ways that we could improve the league.
Good Luck for the season!
All the info for running a team in the Junior League can be found below:
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Fantastic news. Well done to everyone for getting it started.
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