Referee Course – Sign Up Here!

Referee Course: Sun 28th Sept, 10am – 1:30pm
Venue: Townend Community Centre, 15 Townfoot, Dreghorn, Irvine, Ayrshire KA11 4EQ
(in front of Townend Squash Club)
Full Referee Course
Scottish Squash and Racketball Ltd have developed a 3 hour course for new referees.
This course is the pre-requisite for the Grade 3 Refereeing Assessment and Qualification.
During the course candidates will:
- Be introduced to the responsibilities and calls of a Referee
- Discuss the Rules of Squash
- Analyse examples of refereeing utilising a DVD and discussion sessions
- Blood and Injuries
- Interference
- Conduct on Court
- Penalties
- Course candidates must be a minimum of 14 years of age
- Minimum numbers – 8 candidates
- Maximum numbers -16 candidates
£13 (SSRL members)
£15 (non-SSRL members)
Course Tutor – Ron Pearman
Assisted by – John Crawford
To book a place, contact:
John Crawford
01294 213194
07766 250634