West Squash AGM 2013 – 20th May, Newlands LTC
This year’s West Squash AGM will be held at Newlands (in the bar) on Mon 20/5/13, 7pm for 730pm start.
1. Approval of minutes from 2011-12 AGM
2. President’s Report (incorporating League Report, Tournament Report, and overview)
3. Junior Convenor’s Report
4. Statement of Accounts.
5. Election of office bearers and committee members
6. Approval of team fees
7. Constitutional Matters intimated to Association Secretary
8. Any other competent business.
9. Close
Any motions for constitutional change must be received from a member club, and must be intimated to the committee via president@west-squash.org not less than 7 days prior to the meeting date. (13/5/13 – deadline now passed.)
Kieran O’Neill
West Squash