Scotstoun Eagles have just started a team coaching session every Wednesday evening from 7:00 – 8:30 PM. The session is open to both men and women who are playing in the West of Scotland League. There is no need to be a member of either Glasgowlife, or the Scotstoun Eagles, so there will be absolutely no guest fees! 🙂 The session is simply open to all team players who want to prepare for next season. Each session will be 90 minutes long and costs £8 for Scotstoun Eagles Members and £10 for non-Scotstoun members. To sign up, simply follow the link to sportyHQ below:
The sessions will be led by Sandy Niven, West Squash Division One player and Scottish Squash Qualified Level 2 Coach! Each week will focus on a key tactic for team level squash, and help players learn how to train with others to improve their game. The sessions will use proven coaching methods, that have produced many of Scotland’s top junior and senior players, past and present. Places in this team coaching session are limited, so please book in advance . We’re trying to keep the player : court ratio as good as favourable as possible.
Come along and get ready for next season – everyone is welcome!