West Squash AGM 2011/12

17TH MAY 2012, GIFFNOCK, 7pm start.
The evening will include presentation of winner’s trophies.
Previous minutes….CLICK HERE>>> [download id=”52″]
1. Approval of minutes from 2010-11 AGM
2. President’s Report, Statement of Accounts, League Secretary’s Report, Junior Convenor’s Report, Tournament Convenor’s Report
3. Election of office bearers and committee members
4. Approval of team fees
5. Constitutional Matters intimated to Association Secretary
i. The committee propose that that teams in the Ladies’ Leagues consist of 4 players
ii. The committee propose amendments to the league rules (mainly in respect to late scores, postponed fixtures, match procedure.)
6. Any other competent business.
7. Presentation of trophies
8. Close
Any motions for constitutional change must be received from a member club, and must be intimated to the Association Secretary not less than 7 days prior to the meeting date.
Kieran O’Neill
West Squash