And now… the WSR News!

Any New News?
It’s been a busy few months for West Squash and Racketball (WSR) with lots going on! One comment which I heard recently was that the WSR committee don’t communicate enough with West players – in fact people receive more emails with up to date news from Scottish Squash than they did from WSR. This clearly needs to improve.
SO….. we’ve decided to smarten up our act and produce a Newsletter to keep people up to date with what’s going on. We’ll be looking to focus on any league news, junior development – or even news from outwith the region, for example tournaments or exhibition matches coming up in other clubs. We’re also on the lookout for any good news stories from our own clubs, so if your club would like to put an article in then please just submit to me at
We’re initially looking to bring out a newsletter every six weeks, but that may change depending on how much there is going on in the West or beyond. Also – If anyone has any feedback about the newsletter (good or bad!), or even just feedback in general, then please let us know – if we don’t know about it we can’t fix it!
Our aim is to change what WSR does for squash in the region, so that we’re not only running the West leagues – but helping clubs in any way we can, and trying to grow the squash playing community. So if there’s something we can do to help you or your club, please let me know.
Signing up for the Newsletter is easy! Just enter your email into the box on the front page right hand sidebar and you will receive each edition direct to your inbox.
Look forward to seeing you around on a Wednesday!
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